(803) 606-0999 Book early to guarantee a seat!

Reservation: Request > Review > Reserve and Pay

Office Hours: 8:00am - 9:00pm EST daily | Shuttle Service Hours: 6:00am - 10:00pm EST daily

Business is Closed: July 4th | November 27th | December 24th, 25th, 31st | January 1st

Important: Reservations made less than 24 hours in advance are not guaranteed and subject to cancellation.

You can now access your reservation online if you Login before creating it.

Have a referral code? 1. Signup 2. Login 3. Enter code in referral box below for 5% off first reservation.

Shuttle Service

Shuttle Type Needed
Required fields
Leave this empty:
Travel Information
Discounts and Promotions
Contact Information
Dropoff Address
 Payment Information
Trip Subtotal $0.00
(excludes any discounts or service fees)


Fare Information

One Way Fare
(to/from Columbia)
Base Mileage
(total miles included)
CHARLOTTE AIRPORT $125/adult up to 98 mi
COLUMBIA AIRPORT $50/adult up to 10 mi
CHARLESTON AIRPORT* $125/adult up to 110 mi
GREENVILLE AIRPORT $125/adult up to 105 mi
AUGUSTA AIRPORT $70/adult up to 80 mi
PORT OF CHARLESTON $150/adult up to 115 mi
Fare for children under 13 years old is 50% off the adult ticket price.
* New route change! Shuttle pickup for incoming Charleston Airport flights will be at the Embassy Suites by Hilton Charleston Airport Hotel & Convention Center - 5055 International Blvd North Charleston, SC 29418 .
Please call us to check availability prior to booking your reservation.
Please note that during extremely busy periods there may be a wait time up to 2 hours for Airport pickups as we group passengers within the same time span.

Additional Charges

Service Exceptions Service Cost
Extended Pickup Hours
(outside of 6am-10pm)
Cancellation Fee
(passenger initiated)
Out of Area Extra Mileage
(miles over base mileage)
$0.75 per mile
Oversized/Excessive Luggage
(XL or > 1 checked bag/adult)
$5.00 per bag
We all hate fees and wish we didn't have to charge them. But all service charges are used to cover the costs of cancellation credit card fees, terminal fees, fuel and driver overtime hours.

Discounts & Promotions